
 The truth is that since I have been here in Chile for 6 years I have already visited several places in the country, but I would like to know more. I've traveled quite a bit north compared to south. Of the places I've been to and that I like the most is Tongoy, I went about 2 times in the summer and now for the week of the 18th I was also there with some friends. In the summer I went once with my family and the second time I went with some friends, both times by car as well as the third time I went in the week of the 18th. I really like Tongoy for all the things you can do and the proximity Everything, these times that I went, I go to the two beaches that are here, on Monday mornings we went to the little market that is there, at night we went to Puerto Velero. I really enjoy going to Tongoy because of the summer atmosphere it creates, I also like how small it is and everything you can do without having to travel by car.


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