
 Since I was very little I have had a lot of interaction with English, my mother is an English teacher, she in fact lived and studied for a time in the United States. He always spoke to me and my brothers at home in English or rather in a kind of Spanglish. Despite having a mother who speaks the language perfectly and who has always spoken it to me since I was little in English, it was never easy for me to speak it, I understand it very well, when my mother speaks to me in English at home I understand her. perfect, but I have a hard time formulating the sentences to establish a conversation.

In the end it is my fault for not being able to speak the language better and develop in it, because the truth is that I have never put the proper effort into being able to learn it well. As I said before, it is easy for me to understand it most of the time, but when it comes to establishing a conversation I get very confused since I do not have adequate knowledge of the grammar nor do I practice the skills to speak it.

The truth is that I don't practice outside of class, but I do have interaction with the language every day, since I listen to music in English and this at least allows me to practice understanding and discovering new words.

In English classes I like to write and converse in the language in order to further develop my speech. I believe that English is very important for my future because it is the universal language in the world today, I will have to use it in future jobs, trips, etc.

I don't know much about English culture but I follow the Premier League very closely and I'm a big Liverpool fan.


  1. Having a mom who is english teacher sounds interesting, i think speak a language its way too hard in comparison to read it so i'm sure you will speak in an incredible lever someday, good luck!

  2. Hey! I´m a Liverpool fan too:) Who is your favourite player at the moment?


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