Cultural snapshot

 From The Guardian article I read about the cultural radar of Arlo Parks where he comments about the recognition he is given, the Mercury Prize, the comments in Paris about the Nobel Prize, his inspiration in chili peppers and the Red Hot Chili Pepper band.

One of the aspects that is discussed in the article and that caught my attention is the mention of the American rapper Tyler The Creator. Arlo appears in this rapper's documentary and they comment on the influence and importance that these two artists had in the neighborhood. It caught my attention because I've been a fan of Tayler The Creator for some time now, and I really like his music.

  Here are some things that are on my cultural radar these days:

  • Every morning when I eat my breakfast I watch a Venezuelan podcast called "Escuela de Nada", I have been applying this ritual since the pandemic, I really like this podcast and the guests they bring to speak.

  • In my spare time I try to watch at least one episode of the Ahsoka series that just came out on Disney Plus, I'm a huge fan of the Star Wars saga.
  • Every day after classes at the University I go to train at the Universidad San Sebastián sports center, which is 10 minutes by bike from my house, where I train for an hour in the pool and then for an hour in the gym.
  •   Before I go to sleep I watch football news on the YouTube channel "Craks", a channel I've been watching for about 4 years where they give you a daily summary of everything that happens in European football.

  • Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I play Soccer. On Sundays I play in the Colon Oriente league where I play in the second division of the Miramontes club.
  • My and my family like to go to the movies a lot, if there are good movies to see, with my family we always try to go on weekends.


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