
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2023

Arepas one of my favorite foods

  The arepa is a typical Venezuelan food that is made from dried, ground corn dough or precooked cornmeal. Its preparation is very simple, you have to follow the following steps. 1. Mix the cornmeal (from the arepa) with water and salt 2. The circular shapes and sizes that one wants to consume are made 3. They are placed on a griddle over medium heat where they are turned over and over again for cooking After the arepa is cooked, it is opened in half and filled with whatever one wants, normally it is consumed with cheese, ham, shredded meat, ground meat, avocado, homemade sauces, among many other things. I like it a lot because I have been eating this food since I was very little, I eat it approximately 3 times a week. I also like it a lot for its flavors and the varieties with which one can eat them. It is a very healthy food, it is very good for celiacs since it is made from corn and is gluten-free, but arepas can be part of a healthy diet if healthy ingredients and fillings are chos

Why did I choose my major?

 My name is Enrique Domínguez, I am a student at the University of Chile and I study Design. I chose to study Industrial Design because I really like what it has to do with the creation of functional products and objects for society. As a child I always liked what had to do with construction, also for a long time I wanted to be a pilot like my grandfather. When I applied to universities I had in mind to study Architecture, Design and Civil Construction. In the end I decided on this degree because for me it contains everything I want to do and study. My experience at the university has been very pleasant, I really liked the environment with my classmates and with the professors, I feel that in the very short time that I have been here I have learned a lot and I am happy with my degree and university